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LeGarrette Blount and Byron Hout embarrassed not only themselves this past week: he embarrassed anyone ever associated with athletics, and probably a few more who've yet to BE associated with athletics. If you haven't seen the replay yet, I'm sure it's available on YouTube...and will be for a long time, I suspect.
Briefly, Blount, a running back for my Ducks at the University of Oregon, took exception to some smack-talking from Byron Hout of Boise State after the Broncos beat the Ducks the other night. His response? A blindsided punch to the head which knocked Hout to the ground even as Hout's coach was trying to pull him away and castigate him for his mouthiness and poor sportsmanship. It was an ugly incident which served to remind college athletic haters exactly WHY they dislike the game so much: unrestrained anger and poor sportsmanship (even after a win) by young men who should have been taught better. Of course, they are STILL young men without fully-developed frontal lobes, but then, there's Shawne Merriman who reportedly choked and restrained Tia Tequila from leaving his apartment...Steve McNair: murdered by a woman not his wife in an apartment unknown to his wife...etc. etc. etc.
What it comes down to is a sense of entitlement that many folks feel athletes have. Whether they do or not, the case against them is splashed repeatedly and luridly throughout the media. The role models and outstanding citizens among our college and professional athletes get no play...because they're boring.
I just hope people can realize that not everyone associated with atheltics is an immature doofus.
Oh yeah, Melanie Oudin has some GREAT shoes! If you missed them at the U.S. Open tennis tourney, you saw 'em here first!
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