Take Me When I'm Gone to Forest Lawn

Michael Jackson, a.k.a. "The King of Pop" has definitely passed from our midst, but like Elvis or Sarah, he simply won't go away. Word today is that his estate will agree to pay for his interrment, whenever and wherever that may be. Huh?
His estate? Who else? I mean, if you or I bit the dust, the city or country surely wouldn't put up the dough to provide us with our dirt napping place. The announcement struck me as a bit odd...especially since the state of California has such money troubles anyway. Seriously, who else? Maybe that's why it's taken so long to plant him...that or he's with those at the Cryogenics Institute in Michigan. I think, though, that there's a part in there about paying for traffic control and security around what promises to be a destination as popular as Graceland.That will take some serious cash, and I guess it makes sense at that.
Anyway, when I noted that the final, uh, "resting" place would be at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Gelndale, California (just in case you want to visit), it reminded me of a song about that place: an obscure one that John Denver did at one time that I found highly entertaining. I'm willing to share it with you as a final tribute to the latest "King" of music.
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