Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What's In A Name?

Shakespeare posed the question in "Romeo and Juliet" about the importance of specific names. Surely, the name Capulet or Montague didn't mean much to the two lovers, but to everyone else, it was significant. The ending for these two was unfortunate, and I suspect Justin Barrett will find the same, unhappy termination to the latest episode.
I rarely discuss politics because people refuse to be swayed by the opinions of toehrs...and I'm no different. But in this age of political correctness (some of which is ludicrous), the term "banana-eating jungle monkey can mean only one thing...and it's NOT that Doctor Doolittle is coming to town with his menagerie including the Push-Me-Pull-You. And Justin Barrett should know that.
The sordid tale concerning Officer Crowley and Professor Gates has just taken a nasty turn. While I suspect there was enough blame to go around on all sides of the original discrepancy, this latest salvo will come to rest squarely on soon-to-be-ex-officer Barrett.
The two-year veteran of Boston Police and captain in the National Guard, referred to Prof. Gates as the aforementioned "banana-eating jungle monkey"...and not just to friends at a bar after work. He sent a letter to the Boston Globe and emails to the National Guard folks, repeating the epithet several times during the course of his diatribe and explaining graphically what HE would have done in the same situation.
This is a story that won't die because the "I'm not a racist" people like Barrett won't let it.
And gun sales continue to go up in this country. Go figure.


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