Change in America?
Sitting in my son and daughter-in-law's living room in the Windy City (Chicago, NOT Dodge City, Kansas, the most windy city in the country, according to Guinness Records)watching television today, I was stunned beyond belief. Of course, there were two mitigating factors: this is America, and I was sitting in Chicago. Those two circumstances were the only reasons I did not lose my mind completely. Here's the scene:
An African-American man in a dark suit with a flag pin in his lapel was standing behind a podium giving a speech. Behind him, a huge American flag was draped on the wall, and his wife and two daughters were standing in rapt attention just downstage right. The speaker's basic theme was "Change has come to America." After 30 seconds or so, it became apparent that the change he was speaking about had to do with an automobile...Nissan, to be precise. Within seconds, the dealership's name was prominently displayed on the screen, and I was this close to apoplexy. Not that political figures cannot be useful as the punch line for jokes, especially given the way many of them behave; but, like it or not, electing an African-American president has been a precedent-setting occurrence, and to present a caricature of him and his family merely to sell an automobile?
But, then again, it IS Chicago, a city where politicians have seldom risen above flawed mortality. And it IS Chicago, a city with more than a few African-Americans who buy cars...and in state where office can seemingly be bought and sold. Tasteful? I didn't think so, but then again, I'm relatively certain that the commercial was not aimed at me,anyway. Local markets are probably highly competitive, and this ad was certainly designed to get attention.
How would it play in Peoria? I haven't heard yet.
Free "speech" is alive and well. Now, if we could only solve the damn parking on the street problem here.
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