Flying The Unfriendly Skies
What used to be the experience of a lifetime-- taking a cross country flight--has become the biggest nightmare off of Elm Street. Anyone who's flown knows the sad, lamentable tale: missed connections, extended layovers, three stops to go 500 miles, crabby TSA people, no snacks without paying for them, and, yes, lost and/or destroyed luggage. I finally got so fed up with it that I go absolutely nowhere with any bag that I have to check. If it can't be carried on, it won't go. Travelling Asia for two weeks simply meant washing stuff out in the sink or smelling like the surroundings when the temps were over 100. Just recently, I madea trip to work my son's basketball camp in Pittsburgh and carried one bag with the equipment needed to do the drills I had planned, and I carried all my clothes and laptop in a backpack: four days' pair of shoes and flip flops...Tshirts and shorts...underwear and socks. While it gets heavy lugging it around, perhaps, I know that it will be with me wherever I go. Too bad Dave Carroll could not have done it that way...but then, a guitar probablky won't fir under the seat anyway.
I cannot tell you the story nearly as well as the media can, so I will simply include the URL. The YouTube video is MUST SEE!
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