Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Not Exactly A Meyers Cocktail, But...

The imperviousness of youth has long since been replaced by armor plating made of...say, something the consistency of peanut brittle. As I walked, bent, stretched and otherwise contorted myself today in a session of physical therapy, it occurred to me that I might never be the same...might never be what I used to be...might never be what I want to be in terms of physical health. Maybe this means that I have to learn to accept that the downhill slide of my physical self will go much more quickly than the downhill dropoff of my mental self, which, to all accounts, began some time ago. I mean, if Michael Jackson couldn't make it with all the holistic (and otherwise) medicines and remedies that he imbibed, what chance do I have?
"Eat your fruits and vegetables," I hear you say. Yes, I should, and here's why, according to the lates news from the friendly (potentially senile) folks at AARP:
Eat beets...they are great brain food.
Grapes and grape juice are excellent ways to refresh the memory.
Green iced tea is also a boost to memory, while black tea has ramifications for aiding Alzheimer's patients (as noted yesterday).
Eating blueberries will help avoid the accumulation of belly fat...probably in addition to a cessation of beer drinking.
Noshing on broccoli provides good stuff for the heart.
Bananas, long a source of "good" things, will help provide potassium and allow 3-6 additional pounds of muscle instead of fat.
Watermelon is supposedly good to maintain strong, healthy bones, and mushrooms are a source of antioxidants. Who knew?
Garlic is an infection fighter, probably because nobody will want to get close to you after eating a clove or two...and not just vampires, either.
In all of this, no mention of bacon, Cheetos or beer.
The rest of my life (until I don't recognize it) sounds miserable.


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