Thirsty, Anyone? I Am.
My Wii must be broken; there's something wrong somewhere, that's for sure! We got it in order to exercise using the WiiFit option during the winter when it's too dark and too darned cold outside to exercise (by "we" I don't mean's the editorial version of the word) I can work out at the posh fitness facility at the university where I work, and I do, but there are too many "young girls in sports bras" for my significant other so she avoids the place. Hence, the Wii. Back to its current malfunction.
I stepped on it yesterday for the first time since the weather got nasty, and it informed me that I now weighed 191 pounds. Right away, I knew there was a mistake: I have never in my life weighed that much. Even allowing that I was wearing "heavy" clothes, I was still uncomfortably beyond what I thought I should weigh. This was the second such revelation: somehow there was a photo taken of me on the beach in Miami a couple of weeks ago, and I actually thought my brother Fred (the more portly of us) was Photoshopped into the picture, but, sadly, it was I.
Confronted with the reality of porkiness, my first thought was to alibi: "I've been sitting too much while time to work out"; "With me doing the cooking, meals have gotten a higher fat content," and on and on. Fact is I've been snacking too much since I've been on break, and I've been drinking too much soda. "Men's Health" came along just in time with the advice that makes the most sense. According to their research, we consume more than 450 calories a day in beverages: twice what we used to ingest 30 years ago. All of this amounts to about 2 liters daily, and it's mostly NOT water. Thus, the pounds add up. While soda has been maligned a great deal, MH decided to list the worst beverage in each of 20 categories from light beer to smoothies, to soda to vitamin water, well, you get the idea. I'll include the link so you can read it yourself.
My only complaint is that the article listed only the worst in each category, and I'd like to have seen the top five or so. Anyway, here is but a sample:
WORST LIGHT BEER--Sam Adams Light 124 cal. and 10g of carb (still 'way better than most of the other beverages on this list!)
WORST "HEALTHY" DRINK--Glaceau Vitamin Water 130 cal. and 33g of sugar.
WORST ENERGY DRINK--Rockstar 280 cal. and 62g of sugar.
WORST ICED TEA--Lipton Iced Brisk Lemon 20oz 325 cal. and 81g. of sugar.
WORST SMOOTHIE--Jamba Juice Peanut Butter Moo'd Power Smoothie--1170 cal. and 169g. of sugar. Has more sugar than a bag of chocolate chips. And the worst part? It's the only thing I EVER order at Jamba Juice!!! Crap!
THE WORST DRINK IN AMERICA--(sounds like Keith Olbermann, doesn't it?) I'll leave that one a mystery in hopes you'll check out the URL and pick up Eat This, Not That at your local library as suggested by the article's author.
Looks like it's going to have to be a steady diet of water for me. And it's cold and dark outside as well...sigh
Well I will take over her membership :D Seriously.. hook me up... JJF
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