Wish I'd Thought of That

I laughed out loud a couple of years ago when the Chicago Tribune published cut-out masks of political figures in time for Hallowe'en (BTW, my favorite holiday of the year!). I still have my Obama one, complete with rubber band to attach it to my head, as well as my Sarah Palin one, glued to a popsicle stick in an attempt to be a maverick. apparently, those two were also popular last year as costumes...but I missed them somehow. This year, the trendy costumes of Rogue Zombie Sarah Palin and Barackula have already been surpassed by the hottest adult costume: the BP Oil spill Guy.
The costume was the idea of folks at Morris Costumes who have been selling costumes for almost 50 years. It was a simple thing: take a Killer Mechanic's blue jumpsuit costume and color it green. Get a huge BP patch (which stands for "bad planning" according to the costume folks), and replace the blood stains with oil stains, and voila! This year's hottest costume.
Distributors figure it will be the big seller until the last minute when sales of Super Sperm (?) always erupt.
And it can be yours for $40. The best part is...you'll be able to wear it over and over since these kinds of things have been happening with alarming regularity. Sad, but true.
You've still got the whole month of October to plan, but if you are planning to get one of these costumes, I would suggest you hurry before sales are capped.
The wrench and fish are not included. Get your own.
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