Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Under the Gun

While a college student, I never really worried about the pressure of completing an assigned essay. It's not that I was so darned good at it hat I could simply start from scratch and finish an hour later, it's just that I didn't worry about the finished product so much. I was somewhat competent, I usually had good ideas, and professors probably didn't expect as much since I was a varsity athlete. Again, I was no slouch, but I just didn't worry about it. "Writer's block" really never occurred to me as problematic and (unfortunately) I never really did much more than one draft and a proofreading session. Now, I find my throat constricting, the pressure building, and my mind suddenly showing me old Loony Tunes cartoons instead of dealing with the serious topic of this essay I have to complete tomorrow.
Submitting an essay for an entire composition department to read is a daunting task. I generally don't care much what others think of me, but this is different, especially after the syllabus episode where I formulated a syllabus for my fall class, submitted it to the dean, only to have it come back to me with suggestions for correction! Gulp...and now I'm supposed to write a serious essay for ALL to read?
I have to admit: I'm a bit intimidated.
Not that I won't finish.
I have until 10 a.m. tomorrow morning to fine tune what I have (somewhat) begun. I refuse to stay up all night as I occasionally did in college...not after working two ten-hour shifts at the stadium. I need to be fresh and clear-headed.
That means I'll probably wake up at 9:30 and rush through yet another writing sample.
By the time the dean reads it, I'll be in Colorado and oblivious to anything resembling written criticism.
Or, perhaps I'll start right now.
Wish me luck.


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