Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Enjoy The Ides Of March!

Rock and Roll Is Here To Stay

The middle of March is always special. Of course, there's St. patrick's Day, given extra spice this year as researchers at the University of Wisconsin have released a report indicating that Guinness Beer is actually a HEALTHY choice! (Now we know that it hasn't been stem cell research going on there in Madison!). It also means that the Chicago River turns green, oh, wait, it's ALWAYS green, now that I think of's just a different shade during the celebration on the south side.
And, of course, there's the annual celebration of pi which is feted on, you guessed it March 14...TODAY! I had some in should, too.
As most of us know, the middle the month calls to mind the Ides of March, especially poignant since I'm currently reading a piece of historical fiction concerning the life and eventual death of one J. Caesar. But wait (as they say on TV), there's more.
The middle of March usually marks the introduction of new members of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Of course, it's ironic that the ceremony is in New York when the actual museum itself is located in Cleveland. BTW, if you EVER get the chance to go, please do, but don't take little kids or people not truly interested in rock history. It is truly an amazing slice of nostalgia for those of us who treasure rock in our childhoods and beyond. Anyway, this year's inductees comprise an eclectic group, as usual, and in their honor, I have reproduced the link to one of their performances for your enjoyment. This will be especially meaningful if you have no idea who the performers are. Teachers can't stop teaching, I guess. So, here they are, in alphabetical order:

Abba Mama Mia
Genesis I Can't Dance
Hollies Look Through Any Window
Jimmy Cliff The Harder They Come
The Stooges I Want To Be Your Dog

Rock on!


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