Can You Guess Where You Are?

Really, This Says It All
it's spring break time, and I'm sitting in a beach chair, sipping a cool drink with a book in my hand, watching the snow melt away. That's right. I', spending my break this year in the comfort of my own yard. I did get up early today and perform literally dozens of interesting tasks that had been stored up for some time. Initially, I as going to regale the reading public with an entire list from hour to hour of my accomplishments today, but then, how exciting IS ironing all my sweetie's spring wardrobe or washing and conditioning the bikes?
However, on my way from my haircut to the library, I happened to notice the street sign above...'way above the road level. After some sleuthing, I found that the city workers installed it there because folks kept stealing the other ones! Really! A street that's just three intersections ling has the unfortunate luck to be given the same moniker as the hairstyle that is worn throughout the city by both men and women who fail to realize that glam rock and hair bands have long since been relegated to the cheap racks at The Exclusive Company here in town. AS a topper (so to speak), the street isn't even named after the hairstyle favored by hockey players everywhere: it was named in the 1800s after a surveyor named John Mullett. Now, a person would have to be a famous footballer (excluding Beckham who is down for the count) to get such an honor. Further sleuthing revealed that replacing each sign costs between $50 and $60, a cost that includes both the sign and the labor to install it. There must be something in (or lacking in) the water here.
Just a month ago, a city worker was apprehended for stealing a temporary Aaron Rodgers street sign prior to the Packers' playoff game...perhaps it was a harbinger of things to come! Now, Mullet St. is often bereft of it's direction notice? Amazing.
It's a good thing I have a GPS for getting around town!
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