Slowly But Surely, We're Taking Over

And of course, there's the polar bear promotional items!
I always thought it would be television or movies that would do it. Visualizations of the "good" life in America would make anyone lustful of acquiring all the amenities. It became obvious that we were not going to be able to overcome every other country with military power or by exporting bales of cash...but I knew it would come...something would be the catalyst that swung things in our favor.
Coke is borrow a phrase (well, a clause, actually) from their own advertising geniuses. Coca-cola has become such an internationally known brand that it will help us get back all the money that China loaned us and, eventually, have THEM in our pocket as well as the rest of the world. Why did I pick the "pause that refreshes"? Look at the numbers:
The Coca Cola company made $6.82 billion dollars last year, and a lot of it came from international markets. In fact, revenues were down in the United States by almost 4% due to economic reasons as well as some foolish firebrands continuous talk about ?Coke not being a healthy part of everyone's diet. Fortunately, the foreigners aren't listening.
International sales of the product that made Ty Cobb rich (he bought some original stock when it was being produced in Georgia...peachy, huh?) back in the day were up 5% for the year and made great strides in India, China and Brazil...boy! talk about influencing a huge number of people.
So, the way I see it, soon, everybody will have to have Coke every day...not Pepsi, Coke. And not that "new" Coke that was promoted a few years ago...though we'll save that for the "developing" nations as part of our foreign aid package. Once all those billions of people can't get enough Sprite, Coke, Fanta and Minute Maid products, we've got 'em. Not feeling well? Have a Dr. Pepper. Need an early morning wake up? Coke, every time. Can't afford fruit? Have some Minute Maid "juices."
See? it's just a matter of time.
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