Dishing Out the Tunes

And I got laughed at for this idea
Memorabilia isn't for everyone, of course. Some people think that's why recycling was begun: get rid of all the old crap lying about. If you're anything like me, at least as old as I am, you have all these LP's lying about ( I used the term just to confuse younger readers). I had so many that, like Mother Goose, I didn't know what to I got artsy and turned a couple of them into bowls by melting them in the oven.
However, there were some drawbacks...
1. I couldn't put anything smaller than a spindle hole in the bowl since it would obviously come out the bottom.
2. The edges were wavy and looked like a 70's candy dish or a clam that just lost half of its shell.
3. The oven smelled like plastic for a while.
4. I was the only one who thought they were cool.
Thus, ibn short order, they went from the coffee table to the...uh...dustbin ( for my British readers).
Now, it seems that the proverbial worm has turned, and Bob has capitalized on MY idea.
Robert Murphy, who lives in Canada, eh, has designed former records into shapes he calls "Groove Bowls," and he'd be happy to make you one as well. He insists that it's NOT recycling, it's something he refers to as "upcycling."
Bob will sell you one of the collector's items for $15 if it's something like Donna Summer you want. You want "Abbey Road"? That will set you back $75. For the dough, you get the original album sleeve and cover as well as the great conversation piece which, unfortunately, will no longer play on your turntable...for those of you who still have one of THOSE.
BUT...if you have 25 albums to send Bob, he will, in turn, send you back one of your choice (of those 25) AS A GROOVE BOWL! What could be better? Disposing of old vinyl and getting a coffee table artifact that NOBODY on your block or in your circle of acquaintances has. Truly a one-of-a-kind possibility.
If you want to see more, you can go to the Etsy or Artfire websites.
It's sad to be ahead of your time.
why in the world wouldn't you just continue to play them? nothing better than vinyl.
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