Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Futura or Verdana? Even I Can't Decide

Madness is not relegated to those incarcerated in locked wards around the world. It is not simply a medical or psychological diagnosis made by professionals. It would seem that amateurs now feel free to assess what is and what is not worthy of the title…or so it must seem to the surprised folks who head up IKEA.
Just in case you are unfamiliar with the company, IKEA is a Swedish company that makes stylish, yet inexpensive home furnishings and offers them for sale in huge stores brightly colored in yellows and blues. In keeping with the sense of style I found in Sweden, each piece is functional though not ornate. It will usually come boxed, and you get to put it together; it will, however, last almost forever…longer than you might want it to. But the product is not the current problem: it is one of font.
See, the IKEA catalog recently changed the font from Futura to Verdana, its first font change in 50 years. The latter as a font designed by Microsoft to be more legible on small screens like those on computers as well as on the printed page. Outraged recipients of the catalog seem to put the change in the same category as “New Coke” vs “Coke,” at least if internet posts are to be believed:
“Words can’t describe my disgust,” noted one reader.
“IKEA, stop the Verdana madness,” opined another.
Someone even posted an online petition, urging the change to be negated. To date, it has garnered 2,700 signatures.
The Swedish art director Christoph Comstedt didn’t think it was a big deal, saying that most people wouldn’t care one way or another about the font.
What you are seeing in this blog should have been Verdana…since my font settings didn’t even provide Futura,I typed it in Verdana on a Word document; however, when I tried to paste it into here, it returned to the default format. With no way to change it, I am helpless to give you a demo. There's foul play afoot, I suspect.
Can you believe ANYONE has time to spend dissecting a magazine for font type?
Probably someone from Norway.


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