Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Email Is Today's Rotary Dial Telephone

Literally nanoseconds roll by between the introduction of new technological advances. Just in time for Christmas shopping, a company is coming out with a laptop computer with TWO separate screens for diehard multi-taskers, and supposedly, Apple is harboring a secret about its next big innovation, due out sometime this fall, touch screen and all. It's really too much: just when I feel comfortable with things like email and texting, it all goes away. Take email, for instance.
Our freshman orientation seminar group of 30 students has a professor, an upperclassman and myself as facilitators. In order to prepare students for what was to take place, Professor Nelson sent them all an email last week. She sent it to their new university account. Over the weekend, I,too, sent all of them an email, but I sent it ot their personal accounts, thinking that since MY students never check school email, the incoming students wouldn't either. Turns out, they didn't. Only three people admitted that they had read the first email. Worse yet, only four people indicated that they had read the one I'd sent to their Hotmail/Yahoo, etc. account; thisoversight meant that many of them were trying to accomplish active team-building challenges in flip flops...not so easy. But at least I warned them ahead of time! This is not good: someone had better inform the professors on campus that students no longer rely on the outdated information-processing form of email.
I can just see it: professors opening Facebook or Twitter accounts to get information to their students...while I'm still trying to text them!
Getting too old.


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