Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's All A Matter of Perspective

Ben Bernanke says it's over. Many states are reporting rebounding employment numbers. The auto industry seems to have bounced back a bit. The folks at Circuit City don't buy it. The unemployed don't see any proof, nor do the now-legions of under-employed people. Still, I think the jury is out on the "recession" which, to most people, was more like "depression." Everybody got hit this time: rich and poor suffered (although the poor suffered proportionately worse, I'd say, having no second and third homes to sell or luxury autos to be repossessed). All the evidence points to its having been a bad year duh there. Some very big players in the corporate world lost everything (mostly financial institutions), but there were a few that prospered. I was surprised to read that. So, here's a little quiz for you:
I will name eight of the top ten corporations in America and list the figures for the top five. Your job is to tell me 1. Which company do you think fell the farthest 2. Which company remained on top and 3. Which company fell the farthest. and 4. In what order is the top 5 listed?
Here's the list
1. sales of $68.73 billion
2. Sales of $60.21 billion
3. Sales of $56.65 billion
4. Sales of $47.78 billion
5. Sales of $34.87 billion

The companies: GE, IBM, Coca-Cola, Toyota, Microsoft, Google, Nokia, and Disney

Which company lost the most?
Which company led the way in earnings?
Which company fell the farthest?

Scroll down

General Electric was off 10%, followed closely by Toyota at 8%

Coca-Cola was again the top producing company in America

Google gained the most, a whopping 25%. Next closest? Coke, up 3%

Top Five: 1. Coke 2. IBM 3. Microsoft 4. G.E. 5. Nokia (really!)

It ain't over until it's over.


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