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But does it weigh 12 pounds?
Any product that has several usage warnings and various disclaimers has GOT to be good. I mean, not like the parental advisory thing or the old Catholic Legion of Decency ratings for movies...though I guess all the disclaimers act in a similar way: they pique our interest and make us want to do something we shouldn't do EVEN MORE! I don't know whether it's the allure of danger or the thrill of potentially getting caught at something naughty (like going to Argentina to see your mistress instead of going hiking!), but I suspect we all have that urge to get guilty every now and then.
Fortunately, there's not much temptation for me these days, but there's something looming on the horizon that just might make me waver. Besides, I could use a bigger screen TV.
If you haven't seen it, a company named CTA Digital has come up with the latest (and possibly most thrillingly dangerous) accessory for the Wii system invented and marketed by Nintendo. It has put on the market and ACTUAL ROUND BALL to be used with the various bowling games Nintendo makes. Can you imagine? Actually holding a REAL ball in your hand, swinging it backwards and then flinging it forward at mach 4 toward your 62" flat screen television? Wow! What a rush of adrenalin as you feel the ball sliding out of your sweat-soaked palm toward the plasma. It CAN'T get much better than that and be legal!
The Wiimote fits inside the ball, then the operator slides three fingers into ready made holes just like in a bowling ball. A kid nicknamed "Dumb Dave" once broke a TV with a hammer as part of a "talent" show at school. The resulting explosion was stunning, if nothing else. Just imagine what the newer technology could do as the bowling ball smacks into the 1-3 pocket on the screen! It would be better than the Shopko fireworks on the 4th of July. This would occur immediately before the lecture on being an idiot for not attaching the "safety" strap. (WE don't need no stinking safety strap)
Nintendo disavows any connection with the product, stating that it is "...not licensed, designed, sponsored or manufactured by the Nintendo Corporation." See? That ALONE should make you want to heft the orb and get down to serious kegling.
I'm getting the old RCA Victor TV out before I start lining up the second arrow.
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