Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Anonymity Not So Bad

I'll cheerfully admit that I blog mostly for myself; it began as a way to chronicle my last two years of teaching and has since somewhat taken on a life of its own. Unlike 90% of other people who start blogs, I've continued mine because...well, because it's fun. It allows me to be creative (in a sense), and it forces me to focus on the discipline involved in writing and in using words. Ther are a few people who read it...mostly the bored or friends who can't sleep at night and who don't have the benefit of reading my master's thesis as a sleep aid. But,as I noted, it's really for me. Not so April's Mom...and she's paying a dear price for it.
In case you missed it, a woman identifying herself only as "B" or "April's Mom" has been blogging for the past few months about her soon-to-be-born daughter who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness while in the womb. The blog contained Biblical quotes, anti-abortion messages and a soundtrack of Christian inspirational music. Thousands logged on every day, offering prayers, sharing stories and messages of hope. People sent photos of their own children who had been spared the horror of abortion; some sent gifts to a post office box; a few sent money.
On June 7, the blog reported that April Rose had been born but had subsequently died a few hours later. The outpouring of grief was impressive and unrelenting: over a million hits had been logged before Elizabeth Russell found it...and the end result was a nightmare that I would not wish on anyone...except the deserving. Maybe Dante should have constructed a separate level of Hell just for such people.
Russell is a doll maker in Buffalo, and when she noted the photo of April Rose, her first comment was, "That's a doll. I have one just like it." Soon, the horrible secret was out. "B" had made the whole thing up. She quickly erased her Facebook and Twitter accounts, but not in time. Enraged Christians and anti-abortion adherents tracked her down, and the vitriol was venomous. The bile being spilled would horrify anyone...but then, think of the pain these people must have felt after being duped! (caveat emptor!)
There's more to "B's" earlier failed pregnancy...a blog written for a few friends until it was getting 1,000 hits a much to stop...incredible fame...
Fortunately, I know nothing about those issues. And I don't want to, either.
Most people who read my stuff understand the Martk Twain philosophy to which I adhere about "stretchers" and don't take too much of what I write seriously...unless I admit I'm up on a soap box that day.
For now, though, let's just be sad for "B."


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