If They Would Only Listen To Me
Sometimes,it's the little irritants that get to be the biggest pain in the butt: that nagging little thought that you've left something undone or the smallest hitch in the greatest plan ever. Normally, I'd like to think I'm the kind of person who doesn't let little things grow into big things...usually, I get really upset, yell or swear about something, then let it go. However, vacation time seems to bring out the worst in me in this respect. This fact has been emerging lately to most people's amusement but mine. For example, I'm STILL hearing about my whining to a guy about having to pay an exit fee for a short boat ride after having already paid the fee for the ride. The fact that the fee was approximately five cents, and the guy only spoke Thai means nothing. I still get irritated about it. This time, I've added to that list of pesky irritants, and they, too, will become stuff of legend.
First of all, why don't airplanes load from the back anymore? I know they load the window seats right after the first class passengers, but by the time my group is called, we are forced to stand on the jetway for ten minutes while various people in the front of the plane try to stuff bags clearly too large into overhead bins. If we loaded from the back, we'd all get in sooner, and there would be no clogging up the aisle, slowing things down. I mean, hey, if I can come up with that, why can't the airlines?
Also, when I make a hotel reservation and pay in advance, I'd like to get what I ostensibly paid for. Upon arriving in San Diego, my room with a king-sized bed was instead decorated with two twin beds! My call to the management resulted in this response: " Sir, what you filled out with Expedia-AARP was merely a request. It doesn't guarantee you anything." My protestations did little good, but the whole deal still rankles me. My request that they refund part of the upfront money met with only a stony silence.
The resort promised "exotic birds on the grounds." What we got was three different kinds of duck and some albino goldfish in a pond. Not a parrot or macaw was to be found...no emus or toucans, either. Heck, the ducks even swam (and probably pooped) in the pool! I could not lure them into the hot tub, or we could have had soup.
West Coast sunsets are supposed to be spectacular from this famous (I'm told) pier across the street. Dutifully armed with my camera, I trudged to the end of this pier only to discover a cloud bank moving in and obliterating any hope for a glorious sunset. However, as a compensatory bonus, we did get to see dolphins cavorting a hundred meters away and spoke with a lobster fisherman for a bit.
So,I've got some suggestions for all the major players on this trip thus far, and there are still two days to go! I'll have he West Coast tourist industry as well as the airlines shaped up in no time.
You fly with the wrong airline. My flights the last two times loaded first class and then back to front.
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