Visonary Learners and Other Randomness

Casey Stengel is dead and has been for some time, according to all reports. Jim Gantner has retired, and we seldom hear from him anymore. Yogi Berra is still seen and heard from on occasion, but it's not like the old days when coaches would say stuff like, "You want to know why I wear #38? It's so you'll know my waist size if you ever want to buy me a pair of pants." Fortunately, Lorenzo Romar to the rescue...
His Washington Huskies won the Pac-10 basketball title yesterday, beating Tony Bennett's Washington State club. OK, it was expected. Romar, though, got my attention when he spoke of bringing out a pair of scissors at halftime as a motivational tool...implying that he was ready to cut the nets down AFTER the win. Unusual to look ahead like that, but the quote was even better: when asked why he performed such a risky maneuver at halftime, Coach Romar noted "Some guys are visionary learners, and I wanted something to get them to tighten the chinstraps a little bit more." WOW! not one, but TWO malaprops in the same sentence. To be honest, the chinstrap comment was more of a mixed metaphor, but you get the idea. I say that Romar gets this week's award for abusing the English language for our amusement. Not as good as manay of the "Yogi-isms" or Gantner's gaffes, but good nonetheless.
As for randomness...Manny Ramirez will take three innings in his first game to earn what I do in a year. I would have to work 450 years at my current pace to earn what Mark Teixeira will earn this year with the Yankees, and 560 years to garner what A-Rod will take home this season...though he will undoubtedly be giving a good chunk of that to his ex-wife and the kabala.
I must also admit that I loved watching "Pudge" Rodriguez hit a couple of home runs yesterday in the World Baseball tournament, and it was gratifying to hear American players speak of their game against Canada with a sense of patriotic pride...just like last summer's Olympic basketball guys. It's nice to know that it's not ALL about the fame or the money, even though all of these guys have both.
One of the student-athletes was in my office on Wednesday, almost in tears suffering from a tooth issue which resulted in a root canal being performed...three days before a big tournament game. As much as I hate face pain, I really wanted to say, "Hey, man up here and quit being such a baby." long as it's not MY face, I can talk tough.
Spring break in San Diego next week...and six inches of snow predicted here in Titletown (no, I do NOT live in Valdosta, Georgia) today...heavy sigh.
"It ain't over 'til it's over."
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