Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

On the Road Again

With apologies to Willie Nelson, it's time for another saga of life on the road, and, as always, the trip has great promise. We have a few days off for spring break, and like most college kids, we're hitting the sun, sand and warm weather: except we'll be in San Diego: no drug wars and drunken orgies on the beach, and...hey,wait a minute! Really? I have to read the travel brochure more closely. There are numerous great things about this, and all will be part of the lore that is travel for us. No elephants in the jungle or threatening government soldiers pointing guns at me for pointing a camera at them, but the signs are promising.
First of all, we are traveling with a couple of veteran that mean people who can actually stand to be with us throughout our crazy adventures (oftentimes adding their own zaniness to the outing). Patty has assured us that her iron levels are up so that means no snit in the middle of a bike trip. I have agreed to put late financial losses on the back burner so I won't be crabby the whole time, and the weather promises to be excellent for hiking, biking, kayaking and drinking margaritas. There may be other things on the itinerary, but those are the projected highlights...oh yeah, food, too.
As usual, the fun started right away and probably should have been recorded for display on,, whatever. I'll have to ask Matt.
Matt is a 21-year-old union carpenter who was trying to access the internet in the lobby of our hotel tonight while we sat on the couches watching South Park, talking politics and a host of other probably-not-very-interesting-to-Matt topics. I mentioned that a student had shown me a YouTube video today featuring a young man who was terrified of which my sweetie replied that our oldest son had heard that YouTube was in Chicago the other day, but it was too cold for Ryun to go out to see him. Yeah, I see it: you are as confused as I was. Turns out,she was referring to Bono and U2 who are in this country this week promoting a new album!
"Well, then, what's YouTube?" she queried. At this point, I could see that Matt's shoulders were bobbing up and down as he tried not to laugh out loud at the funny woman who had no idea about videos on YouTube. Of course, I called him on it, and he proceeded to show my sweetie exactly what YouTube was, all the time in bemused wonder.
I have to admit that I know how she felt: every time I learn something that seemingly everyone knows, I feel the same way. It was just hilarious that all of this happened in front of a stranger who even tried to make her feel better in a very nice way.
Yes,it's going to be fun on the road again. Breakfast at 5. And I forgot my noise-canceling headphones for my iPod.


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