Bartman Revisited in the Bronx

Poor Gino...he's definitely on his way out of the Bronx. If he's lucky, he won't get the @%** kicked out of him as the latest Steinbrenner-in-charge has suggested. His family will be hounded, and he'll probably get tossed from the union though it's certain that there's a place for him in BeanTown. Why all the fuss?
In case you are not part or party of the "The Nation vs The Universe" feud, it's all about Yankees vs Red Sox. We had to listen forever to the people in Boston whine about no World Series wins because of the "Curse of the Bambino." Now that they've won twice in four years, the talk is strangely gone. However, Gino, a construction worker from the Bronx and diehard Boston fan, decided to bury a David Ortiz jersey in the concrete which made up the floor of the visitor's dugout in the new Yankee Stadium in hopes of instilling a curse on the Yankee Universe. Of course, he could NOT keep something like that to himself (he IS a Boston fan, after all...much like Bill Simmons)so the word spread, and The Universe was in a tizzy. Hank decides that other construction workers (probably not including the guy in The Village People even though The Village is in New York) should do grievous bodily harm to the guy while Yankees preident Randy Levine called it a "bad, dastardly act."
I thought it was funny though the Yankees did not, paying construction workers to jackhammer the suspected concrete into bits until the jersey was a cost of many thousands of dollars, union scale being what it is these days!
So, now The Universe is again safe, and the jersey will be sent to Boston along with a "Yankee Universe" T-shirt to be auctioned off to benefit the Jimmy Fund.
Funny thing, though: the day the jersey is removed, A-Rod goes 4-5 with a home run and 3 RBI's after stinking up the place in Boston over the weekend. Johnny Damon hits like he's supposed to, and Robinso Cano hits a pinch-hiot home run to win a game!
Jinx? Curse? Maybe not, but I, for one, am glad it's over. All can be right with the world again...except for the recession, the food shortage, the gouging of gasoline prices, the worlwide wars that are occurring and the fact that it's still damned cold here in the middle of April.
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