Camera Shy? I'm Not Buying It.

Why do we slow down at traffic accidents, fires and assorted unfortunate circumstances which happen to others? Glad that it's not us? Rubbernecking as entertainment? I'm not sure, but it's the same reason we watch hockey and NASCAR, I'd suspect: bad things happening to other people. That's why the Florida beating case has gotten so much publicity. People really want to revel, perhaps, in the unreal fortune of others. This photo is one of 25 to be found on the website of the Chicago Tribune...and I looked at all 25: some were mugshots with the requisite height scale behind them...some were of the initial court appearance for each...and the most poignenat were of the family members of the girls who will be tried in the case. Those photos made me sad since I could only imagine how painful the whole ordeal must be for parents and family. With the evidence out on the web for everybody to see, and post-beating photos sure to follow,there isn't much hope of a plea deal. As for the perps? They've suddenly become camera shy.
Fame must have gone to their heads already...certainly these chicks weren't afraid to be on camera when they were pounding on a single girl for 30 minutes in the Florida "Cheerleader beating" case. All of a sudden, the millions of hits on YouTube have turned them into shy teens? Uh, no.
I just cannot wait to hear
a) what they were thinking in order to justify such an act.
b) what they were thinking when they posted the video on the internet.
c) what they think about the punishment they are about to get...I hope.
True, the juvenile frontal lobe is not fully developed and gives reason for miguided acts; however, 30 minutes of basically uninterrupted violence? Somebody HAD to have had a cogent thought during that time.
Truth will probably be MUCH stranger than fiction in this case.
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