Joined at the Eyeball

Oh man, this is just too good to be true...too good to keep to myself as well. It's like the time one gets that first kiss and realizes that THIS is what life is all about. Every waking moment from that heavenly moment is spent on plotting and planning to get the next kiss! The slowly dawning thought that life as one knew it has changed forever. (Something like the beginning of "2001--A Space Odyssey")That's what it was like recently when I made two very important discoveries.
Television was a big deal to me as a kid. We didn't even HAVE a set until I was in second or third grade, so that advancement was earth-shaking to me. Internet? Ha! We even ahd to wait for an operator to give her the number we wanted to call. Stereo hadn't even been invented yet, so my iPod was quite a ways off...hell, we didn't even have 8-track tapes until I was in high school! So, you can understand how those early TV programs provided a spark of wonder in my life. Guess what...IT'S BACK!!! I'm not talking TVLand back, either. I'm talking about watching my favorite programs whenever I want to! Of course, this has probably been available for years, but I was busy rewinding my reel-to-reel tapes. I'm going to let you in on this, though, because I cannot keep it to myself. is a web site that features all sorts of media, including many episodes of the TV programs that I always watched. I mean, we're talking "McHale's Navy," "Bob Newhart," "Starsky & Hutch," "Barney Miller," "Lou Grant..." Newer favorites like "Saturday Night Live," "The Office," "My Name is Earl," and "The Simpsons" are also available. It's nirvana...I'm not kidding. Caveat Emptor: there are commercials, just like regular TV. :(
To top things off, now features every single episode from all 11 seasons of South Park.
I may never leave the computer screen, unless it is to hook my comouter up to the big TV downstairs.
Still waiting for "Hogan's Heroes," though.
Pass the Ho-Hos.
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