Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Broken

It can't be just the age thing...but, then again...
This year I was given the luxury of a spring break. Mind you, I never really had one before. While all of the other kids in college were heading to Texas for spring break, I was in the middle of track season and unable to travel, let alone ogle quasi-nekkid women and guzzle beer. My first year out of college, I did take the occasion to go to Galveston for a break, but the weather was terrible, and my bike got washed into the Gulf: immediate rust bucket. (Actually, I did somewhat laugh this year to see tornado warnings near South Padre Island...if I can't go, why should anyone else have fun?)
Public school teaching, especially in Algoma, did not afford me any kind of break because "those damn teachers only work nine months out of the year anyway...and besides, who's going to watch my kids for that week?" Needless to say, the thought of having that break seemed like a real bonus. Not necessarily so.
Since my sweetie was working, I really did not have the opportunity for any extended physical time away. We did plan a three-day trip to Chicago which was short-circuited by 14 inches of snow...heavy sigh. I found myself rejoicing that at least I didn't have to shovel any of it. REALLY! Can this winter get any longer?
Thus, I found myself sleeping just a bit later but still wandering over to work for a bit every day. There was nothing on TV, and few household chores to tackle (though I probably would not have wanted to if there had been).
I got to read for pleasure which was nice, but it was inside, not on the beach with something cool to drink in my hand (slippery from lotion). Activity was limited a bit by the weather though I did manage to run four times. All in all, it just was not what I had hoped it would be.
It was almost a relief to get back to work.
It MUST be an old(er) age thing.
Next year I'll do it up right.


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