Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

"Grub Up!"

My late buddy Karl Walters used the expression "grub up" reverently. He consideed food to be the ultimate goal of each and every day. Whether it was the "Hungry Man" lunch at Algoma High School or that restaurant in Chippewa Falls with the all-you-can-shove-in steak lunch buffet, if one could pass it off as a meal, Karl was in. That meant frozen, cheap burritos and White Castle burgers at the radio station as well as gourmet fare...that would be nachos and footlong dogs at a Twins' game.
Anyway, as the cycles in society come and go, McDonald's is promoting its healthy food (as if anyone would eat it...I mean, what's the point of going to McDonald's, anyway?), it's good to see someone other than Hardee's standing up for the real eaters.
It was reported in this very blog many months ago that the Los Angeles Dodgers were opening a section of the right field bleachers at Chavez Ravine for those who wanted a one-price ticket and food gorging spree. And while it's taken a while for it to catch on at any other major sports, NASCAR has finally gotten on the lunchwagon. On May 10th at the Darlington Dodge Challenger 500, fans will be allowed to buy a race ticket which comes with gut-busting privileges. Eats include hamburgers, hot dogs and "snacks" (as yet unidentified, but do we really care?). Soft drinks are included, but beer is not. While I've never had the urge to attend a NASCAR event, the price seems reasonable to me.
Adults will pay $60 for the right to belly up to the trough while at the race. Under-12 patrons will fork out $55 which seems a bit steep to me, but then, these are Southern kids under 12 named Bubba and Wanda Sue. Race fans who already have seats in another part of the venue can buy into the buffett for either $15 or $10, depending on age. If regular prices at races are even close to ballpark prices, I would consider that deal a blue-plate (Chinet, of course) special.
"Race? What race? Don't bother me...I'm eating $60 worth of food here"
"Get your purse, ma, and we'll fill 'er up!"
"I need to loosen my belt a notch, Momma."
"I'm fuller than a starving tick at the bloodmobile!"
My only issue is why it took NASCAR this long to figure out this opportunity. The Golden Corral in Darlington will be empty that day, I'm sure. But, being racing fans, I would have thought beer might be included. I can imagine drunken baseball fans throwing junk onto the field, but how much damage could a race fan cause? I suppose one might use the Stars and Bars for a hanky, and all heck would break loose.
Me? I'll go to Vegas to the Mandalay Bay for their buffet instead.


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