Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pete An Angel?

I read with much amusement today that Pete Rose made the comment that the players implicated in the steroid/human performance scandal currently rocking major league baseball are "making a mockery of the game." He also indicated that he never thought he'd look like an angel compared to someone else...his offense after all, according to him, was betting on his own team to WIN. Of course, Pete's version of the truth moves around more than a knucklball on a windy day...Tim Wakefiled should be so lucky. I'm not here to pass judgment because I really don't have the facts, but if we're going to exonerate Rose (to a degree) and allow the current crop of players into the Hall of Fame someday, I want to lobby for Shoeless Joe Jackson to get in. Sure, the "Black Sox" threw the World Series, but if you look at Jackson's stats for that series, there's no way he purposely did anything to lose a game. I think it's time to revisit that issue.
Cheaters? There have been plenty of them, and I'm not even counting (hardly) all the dastardly goings on at this year's Miss Puerto Rico pageant. It must be in the air...the guy who whacked Nancy Kerrigan that time died this week. Florida State is about to get 20 athletes suspended for cheating on tests and papers with their academic counselors. Floyd Landis is STILL guilty, and the New England Patriots will go undefeated this year but continue to be labeled cheaters. (BTW, I always thought stealing signs in baseball was a part of the game, too, but maybe the high tech world just cannot deal with it., or at least the NFL).
Before the commission says anything, however, I want to assure everyone that I have never taken any performance-enhancing drugs of any kind prior to my winning the costume contest tonight at the UWGB Athletics Department Christmas party. I won it fairly...remember that when your Hall of Fame ballot comes in the mail.


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