w00t, There It Is!
In spite of the fact that I do my best, most of the time, to convince people otherwise, I think I'm a rather erudite guy. I don't read 50 pages a day every day like U.S.Grant did,and I don't possess the world of known facts as Ben Franklin did, but I can usually hold my own on most subjects. Mind you, I'm no Amiel Hepp (The Genius), but, as I said, I get along. Thus, I was not toally baffled by "w00t," Merriam-Webster's choice of the word for the year in 2007.
I knew there was a web site (woot.com) which featured one-of-a-kind unusual items for bid every day, but only for one day. I knew there was a unique T-shirt link for clever wearings offered for only one day as well as a wine-a-day link. I love going there to check out the sometimes-amazing things...not as good as neatorama.com, but close.
Further study showed that the term was used in Julia Roberts' movie "Pretty Woman" though I must admit I didn't hear her say it at the polo match (nor will I watch it again just to find out). The etymology is somewhat mysterious, as is its current meaning.
Simply put, w00t (using the number zero in place of the letter O)is an expression of great satisfaction and joyful triumph. It is laid claim to by tech-savvy millenials and gamers. It can mean "Want 0ne 0f Those" to the technophile who needs the latest gadget. To gamers, it is said to mean "We 0wned 0ther Team" as a triumhal "in your face." Others claim it's an abbreviation from Dungeons and Dragons for "wow, loot!"
Suffice to say, there is plenty w00t to go around...but what about other possible claimants to the crown in 2007?
How about "poke" (from Facebook) or "tweet" (from Twitter). My personal favorite this year was "lolcat."
I'm thinking about submitting "groovy" next year. Stick that in your Funk & Wagnall's! (obscure reference of the day)
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