Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Thanks, Brett

The big news around here today is, of course, the fact that Brett Favre is signing on for one more go-around with the Packers. Wisconsin natives, major football fans and Vegas bookies are all gladdened by the news. Since I am none of those, you'd be wondering why I'm happy about the turn of events. The reason? I finally got something as a result of professional sports.
I've been a huge baseball fan all my life, once throwing a remote down two flights of stairs when Paul O'Neil hit into a double play in the World Series. The two-hopper bounce down the stairs, into a chair and rebounded against a window! Fortunately, there was no breakage except to the remote. Even the lecture I got about being juvenile didn't hurt as much as the 6-4-3. Anyway, after living and dying with a sports team and NEVER getting a return for my loyalty, it happens that I finally get a return.
What have I given the Packers? Well, I pay a sales tax every time I buy something in Brown County to help the millionaires enjoy their plush new surroundings. It is true that even though I can't get a ticket to a game, I support them financially. (I have seen a couple of games here in my lifetime, but trying to coax frozen onion bits out of a container for my brat and having chunky mustard just didn't make for a peak experience). I'm sure the organization brings in millions in revenue helping to keep my taxes down so I have no problem with the whole deal; but, I never thought I would reap an actual benefit from football in general and Brett Favre in particular.
Here's the scoop: After months of foot dragging and vacillating, Brett signed on for one more year and got three million dollars as a signing bonus. I have spent the past six months wavering about retirement as week yes and one week maybe...all followed by a resounding no. I recently signed on for one more year and got nothing as a bonus (not even a "Wow, it'll be great to have you back!") Today, I approached the superintendent and noted that Brett's and my situations were much the same; I opined that maybe I had a signing bonus coming. His face brightened, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a quarter (North Carolina version). That may seem like small potatoes to you, but here are two things to consider. 1. Teachers NEVER get a bonus of any kind for any reason...EVER. 2. He could have selected a penny, a nickel or a dime instead: all of which he held in his hand.
I have the quarter proudly displayed on my office bulletin board where it will remain until I box up my mementos of 30 years of teaching and leave for good.
I just hope Brett does as much for the people who really care whether or not he plays this year.


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