26,000 Reasons to Dislike Duke
I just discovered a major reason why so many people in the office pool for the NCAA tournament think of Duke University in the same way they think of The Evil Empire (NY Yankees). It's not because they have a highly-respected coach who, even though he shills for Chevy, manages to get the most out of his players year in and year out. It's not because Coach K's book was a great look into a motivator's mind. It's not even due to the antics of the Cameron Crazies or any member of J.J. Redick's family (all of whom have felt the wrath of spectators around the ACC). No, as usual, such vitriol can only be supplied with dollar signs attached. Any student who attends Duke University has enough money to buy a small country in Asia. For example, last year, EVERY incoming freshman(freshperson?) was gifted with a free iPod...the same thing I spent a couple of hundred dollars for. I suppose a laptop was considered gauche because every kid had owned one since prep school. Anyway, the tuition at Duke, according to U.S. News & World Report, stands at $32,900 with room and board accounting for another $5k. That's for ONE year. And Duke is not even a great party school. The University of Wisconsin at Madison IS a great party school, and it's cheap, too, at least in comparison to Duke. For a measly $6,200 in tuition and another 6.5k in room and board, a person can attend. An out-of-state student will be expected to pony up $21,000 for tuition, and plenty do. I suspect the cost of all the black clothing and Uggs is extra, though. Ever hear of the Duke marching band? Me, either. UW has a fabulous one. Duke, Schmuke, I say...Bucky all the way. That is to say nothing of Emporia State University, a great school in its own right.
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