Parlor Spider...Step In, Little Fly

Insightful thoughts and/or rants from atop the soapbox from one who wishes to share the "right" opinion with everyone.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Renovating My House: Bathroom Division

The living room might be a thing of the past. Really, except for the couch, there's not much left...everything else has moved into the bathroom, or so it seems. Americans spent 23.7 billion dollars renovating bathrooms in 2004, according to the Washington Post. Used to be that a bidet was high fashion. Now, the look has expanded to include ways to clean off that make me wonder if I have to shower BEFORE getting into the tub or shower (not unlike rinsing the dishes before putting them in a diswasher to "clean" them!)
I was good with a fog-proof mirror, but I didn't see much use for a hot lather dispenser or a waterproof CD player which would constantly find my funny bone as I lathered up to rinse off actual dirt. Yes, I go into the shower dirty! (sorry for the abhorrent visual there) Towel warmers,radiant floor mats and whirlpool baths are SO last year, apparently.
Jacuzzi has a couple of noteworthy items for the discriminating buyer. The LiftIt (at a cool $2729.00) will get that plasma TV situated at just the right height for your prune-producing soak, presumably NOT with dirt swirling around in the tub leaving a nasty ring around your neck when you get out. Jacuzzi also promises bubble that are "more champagne than shiatsu." No idea what vintage.
Kohler Company, as one might expect, has splashed into the fray with multiple shower heads, gravity fed "rain" showers, water jets, body sprays (?) misters (presumably what every single woman wants in her shower!) and water wands. The DTV is a digital programmable shower device which sets the sequence of water features as well as temperatures, ostensibly for multiple users (at once or in different spots in the shower?) Michael Wandschneider, a company spokesperson, says, "It speaks for the desire for simplicity." HUH? Who is he trying to kid? Simplicity is a sponge bath or shoving your head under the pump. This baby will spew out 21 gallons of water in a minute!This is extravagance for people who have nothing better to do with their money, having already donated to the Republican Party. It's not like having friends over for a shower party...or is it? Now that might be an option.
The Ondine company promises a "full cone center jet-turbo massage" feature in its shower. Water coming out at Mach 5? No, thanks.
Supposedly, the average US citizen uses 125 gallons of water in a day. Imagine, much of the world's poulation doesn't get this much clean water per person in a year! And heated jets besides? While watching the plasma TV? With champagne-like bubbles?
I wonder how I can get a couch in there.


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