Joy To My World
Everyone should experience joy in his or her life. I don't mean the "Joy To the World" kind of joy which happens briefly every year. That kind of joy always struck me a temporary thing which disappeared after the holiday season (or Christmas if you happen to be adamant about that sort of nomenclature). I mean the kind of joy which just pours out without effort and shoots endorphins out every orifice possible. I got to have 30 minutes of that today, and, to be honest, I think my face muscles still hurt from laughing/smiling so effusively for that length of time.
This is the benefit to being a teacher; while it does not happen every day, today's experience reminded me that it happens with frequency to me.
We were unable to make the bowling alley trip today because of inclement weather so we were relegated to the gym. This class is an amazingly diverse group so we had several activity options available to them. All managed to find an enjoyable activity and spent time wisely. At one point, four guys asked me to play pickle ball with them...them against me. They were relatively new to the game, but the enthusiasm was amazing. We spent 20 minutes hitting the ball back and forth (and hitting each other with the ball as per rules allowance). We shared a bond of joy over exercise that made me proud to be their teacher. We managed to lure Lauren into the game, and she, too, felt the positive vibe. Others would look over and shake their heads thinking all of us had lost a screw or two. High fives all around for unbridled joy. Thanks to Leo, Josh, Greg and Nathaniel for the lift.
While no job is perfect, this one is head and shoulders above anything else I've ever done. Why would I retire?
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