All This Will Be Yours
Bob, if you're out there, here's my parting gift to you...or to whomever takes my place in the world of physical education in my school. Now that the hoopla has died down about "the award," I can get back to the original plan. With one quarter of the year gone, my ankle cracks and pops painfully like popcorn dancing in the microwave: plantar fascitis makes sudden, athletic movements difficult if not impossible (of course, that presumes I can still make those kinds of movements)and,tonight, my left knee resembles the pumpkin we just tossed at the neighbor's mailbox. I don't so much get up as I unfold, and what I do immediately thereafter certainly cannot be considered walking. Most of the time, I try to start off downhill so I can limber up before any sudden turns or stops present themselves. Things in my way after a head of steam is developed run the risk of needing collision insurance: turning this much mass with that much acceleration? Ask the skipper of the Exxon Valdez! I actually broke down and went to see the doctor the other day...I think I've damaged my vocal chords using my "outside" voice eight periods a day for nine weeks. Without even so much as a "hmmm" or an "uh, huh!" he pronounced me good as new. "No structural damage!" he crowed. I found that hard to swallow, but then, that was my problem all along. Just to make the visit worthwhile, I got a flu shot...since he's not in my medical plan, it cost me ten bucks for the clean "bill" of health; I always try to get my money's worth: I asked for the jumbo size, but Jacklyn, my nurse, only had the senior citizen size. Lucky for me, I qualify. AARP will be wanting me for their poster person any day now.
Call the mink ranch...downed steer awaiting transport.
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