Random, Crazy Thoughts
Lately, it seems that small things that just don't seem right have kept cropping up. These are totally unrelated, in many cases...but they still drive me crazy when I think about them.
1. A leading Democrat in the Senate praises the qualities of the latest nominee to the Supreme Court. Now, Republicans express two thoughts: a) Should we dump her now? b) Is he just messing with us? I'll buy either scenario.
2. My school shortens the day so the staff can take part in staff development programs. My classes are cut by 18 minutes each but the student break in the mnorning to eat junk food and drink soda is increased by six minutes.
3. My school wants to promote the idea that we have a quality educational system yet they have cut teaching positions in math, English, science, social studies, physical education and special education as well as aides in special education. "We need to be more creative." We have the technology. We can rebuild it.
Asking us to return the envelopes in which we got our pay stubs seemed a bit silly to me, too, but I did it.
4. The Green Bay Packers are 0-4 and bars near the stadium are complaining because their business has fallen off. Gee, that's too bad...more sober people on the road or hangin' at Hooters for the wings.
5. Some legislator in Wisconsin is proposing a raise in the speed limit to 75 on the interstate system because it will help traffic flow more smoothly...all the way to the morgue. Doesn't this idiot read statistics?
6. At least five people today told me that baseball is boring. I'll admit it's not the X Games, but it isn't golf, either! And you don't have to see Spike Lee yelling at players--though I did see Jack Nicholson the other night at the game in Anaheim. Frontrunner Jack now that the Lakers are terrible.
7. It was almost 80 degrees yesterday, and it did not make 50 degrees today. Two freshmen remain frozen to the shot puts we were using in class.
8. The Catholic Church decries the lack of priests, but they severely limit the population which is eligible (no women, no married guys, no gays). Yes, I read The DaVinci Code and looked at the painting: I still can't tell if that's actually a woman next to Jesus at the Last Supper. Another conspiracy theory hatched.
9. A student actually said today, " I really didn't want to make up this late assignment, but my teacher made me. I'll give you yesterday's work tomorrow."
10. Down 0-2, the Boston Red Sox really aren't worried. The pressure is on the White Sox.
I have too much time on my hands.
Pretty good . usually, the word 'retirement' would not attract my attention, but i like your writing.
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