What A Drag It Is Getting Old
Mick Jagger may have thought that back in '66 when Mother's Little Helper hit the charts, but you can bet he doesn't think so anymore. Touring rockers, even those in their 60's probably still have all the refinements from groupies to Evian water to Hell's Angels as security...oh, wait. That was at Altamont a long time ago. Anyway, it's probably still a sweet deal for him and Paul McCartney. How about Quiet Riot? Where have they been? They didn't last long enough on the charts to get old, gracefully or otherwise. Others like Great White can't remember how the pyrotechnics are supposed to work. sad.
All of that being said, I think there's a lot more Mick than Quiet Riot left in me at this stage. JC used to say, "There's snow on the mountain, but there's fire in the valley." We lived in Kansas and seldom saw snow or mountains, for that matter...I always thought he was just making stuff like that up. Cryptic message deciphering was not my strong point as a kid even with my Fargo North decoder ring.
I sometimes feel like the Tin Man and need oiling, but after six knee surgeries, there's not much left to "oil." Still, today, I travelled 21,000 steps while on the job: a total of more than ten miles. I may stay up late tonight, or at least until ten o'clock just to see how the baseball games come out (Darn those Red Sux).
I feel as good as a person twice my age, and I dare one to come out and say I don't! Smackdown time!
What additional benefits do I get from the aging process? I saved another two dollars on senior citizen night at the grocery store this evening (a total of almost $7 in two weeks! I wanted to make a chart on Excel, but my wife told me I was being idiotic)...enough for two bottles of Frappacino. My room last weekend was as uncomfortable as hotel rooms ALWAYS are, but I paid less for it than a younger person would have. Let the good times roll! My students now call me "old man" instead of "uh, like, hey you." Plus, I get the added benefit of not having to save money for my old age. I can enjoy all of it now. And if you see a U-Haul backed up to my grave when I die, you'll know I decided to take what was left with me.
Peace out.
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