I Missed It This Year
Saturday marked World Naked Bike Ride Day, and I missed it. Truth be told, I was visiting Chicago to see a grandchild so participating would hardly have been acceptable. According to a website for the event (isn't there a website for everything these days?), this event is held on June 8 in 70 cities and in more than 20 countries around the world. There is, thankfully, a purpose behind (so to speak) the event. Cyclists want to remind the world that cycling is great exercise but also remind them that cyclists are fragile when compared to, say, a two-ton vehicle. U.S. streets are relatively safe in comparison with places like Mexico City...but then, Mexico City itself isn't very healthy for most people.
According to the website, the event began nine years ago in Canada where June 9 is probably warmer than one might expect. The term "naked" is also something of a misnomer since riders can move about in any kind of outfit (or not) that they desire. Hence, lining the route for photographs might be somewhat disappointing.
An event DID take place in Chicago yesterday though I was unaware of it, and such random places as Mexico City, Lima, Peru, and Portsmouth, England, all hosted events. I didn't do extensive research to discover what other cities of note were involved, but I'm sure if your city hosted a ride, you'd read about it in the paper. Ironically, though, while driving down the street today, Jackson Browne's The Naked Ride Home played on the CD player. Since I was driving, I was not tempted.
I did, however, give into the au natural temptation when I showered today.
All for biking safety!
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