Consumers' Rights and Liabilities.
Every now and then when I check a sales receipt, I find that something is amiss. Generally, it takes a few minutes to straighten things out. Usually, businesses want to keep customers satisfied, and I really can't remember saying, "Wow! I really got deceived by the fine print," even when buying things online. Of course, there IS the Better Business Bureau and the customer service at EBay, but I've seldom even thought about resorting to their services.
While I don't know for sure, I presume there's a law to protect my interests similar to the Sale of Goods law that was passed in England in 1979. While it clearly states that "goods must be of satisfactory quality, be fit for purpose, and must match the seller's description," at least one man recently thought reach of the law was a much broader one.
Fortunately not named (to prevent the heaping of scorn from the blogosphere, one might imagine), a man in the U.K. called police to report that he'd been deceived: the prostitute he arranged to meet had misrepresented how beautiful she was. really.
In his indignant call to the police, the man stated that he had previously indicated that if said hooker did not meet the beauty standard she had set for herself, he would drive off after refusing her services. When he threatened to do so, she got angry, took his car keys, ran out, and threw them back at him...whereupon he called the local police station to report a violation of the Sale of Goods Act. It took mere seconds for the local constable to remind the man that solicitation of prostitution WAS a crime, but misrepresenting personal beauty was not. So, instead of being merely the latest in a somewhat growing line of whistleblowers, this poor fellow was subjected to a stern talking to (undoubtedly with accompanied muffled background laughter).
Adding insult to, well, insult, the police, using the record of the phone call, then sent the man a not-so-delicately-worded mailing letting him know that he had wasted valuable police resources, and that he should not do so again.
I'll be he's really glad his name was not mentioned.
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