A Hirsute Protest: Better Than Violence

It would appear that Belgium has no official government: who knew? Certainly, not I; however, it seems that the European country has been without an official government since June, setting a record for such a post WWII occurrence. (Apparently, places like Somalia don't get entered into such contests). Anyway, one can imagine how frustrating this must be for the general populace. Now, someone has begun what he hopes to become a nationwide protest of the inefficiency of politicians.
Benoit Poelvoorde, noted actor in the dark, comedic Man Bites Dog as well as the costume drama Coco for Chanel is proposing that every male in the country resist shaving until the government gets its act together and, well, forms a real one.
While this might not seem to be a spectacle designed to inspire a rush to govern, it might actually serve its purpose as women nationwide get fed up with bushy busses and scratchy snuggling...and we know that when women get upset, change is not far away. I will be anxiously following the protest through the auspices of the BBC from whom I heard about this in the first place.
Belgium, of course, has a history of famous personages with facial hair. Hercule Poirot was a famed detective long before any of the CSI characters was invented. Of course, he favoured (trying to be European in spelling here) only a waxed mustache, not the full frontal facial. Captain Haddock and Professor Calculus from the Tintin books, however, sported beards that would do Rip van Winkle proud.
This call to arms from an actor to all the males in Belgium is a clever way to galvanize an entire country to action. I would join them in sympathy except for that little bare spot just under my chin...and the amount of gray that would appear.
Solidarity, it would appear, goes only so far.
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