Back to School Without Rodney
I know it's truly back-to-school time...not when the stores sell folders for a dime, but when when Beloit College sends out its annual knowledge base for incoming freshmen. This yearly primer is designed to make us aware of how little these incoming students know about, well, anything important. It also illustrates just how far the rest of us have fallen behind, especially in the area of technology. I mean, seriously...nobody wears a watch anymore because the smartphone keeps track of time for them? Nobody can recall a phone number other than the number assigned for speed dial? Sad in some ways, but funny as heck to me. One of my Facebook "friends" recently lost his phone and had to beg everyone for their phone number because he didn't know them. Har har: 1196-J (my phone number when I was a kid...dialed by an operator!). Anyway, enough codgerisms from me. Here's the link to the entire list of how different this year's incoming frosh are than the rest of us.
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