
Fans NOT named Sue
I'va always considered myself somewhat of a clever fellow with witty repartee my source of defense against any opponent. As such, I managed to survive somewhat intact through 35 years of teaching sometimes recalcitrant students. This facet of my repertoire (lots of French today) has also stood me in good stead while interacting with folks on tour at Lambeau Field ("...home of your Green Bay Packers"). But, I must admit that Sue got the best of me today.
As part of the clever patter I use when introducing the "no drinking, no smoking, etc" rules prior to beginning any tour, I always indicate that fans are allowed to take up to 5,000 photos while on the 55-minute tour...with one exception. They are not allowed to take photos of me since I am part of the FBI witness protection program and publishing an image of me would require my returning to Billings, Montana, a place less desirable than the Frozen Tundra.
Having disparaged Billings, I resumed to the script to discover if there were fans from any other teams visiting as well as taking note of where people are from...Green Bay having been visited by fans from 110 countries and all 49 recognized states as well as Minnesota.
About halfway through the group, this woman looks at me with a look of challenge and said, "I'm from Billings, Montana." To say I was embarrassed is an understatement. The silence was total for at least five seconds; as I began to apologize, Sue said, "No, I'm really from California." Triple the embarrassment as 35 people had a great laugh at my expense. People were holding their sides and wiping away tears as I tried to regain the upper hand to no avail.
As it turns out, Sue is a teacher in California and, apparently, relies on her quick wits as well.
She's just quicker than I am.
But she did give me a tip.
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