It's All Fun and Games Until You Have To Make It
"When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." How often have you heard that? For me, every time I hear it is too often. Lemons are bitter, and it hurts to get the juice in a cut or on a sore inside my mouth. They are symbols of a crappy product, in this case, life itself.
Some turn to prayer. Some turn to mind-altering substances of all sorts. Some even hide under the covers in the face of a lemon onslaught, but lemons are inescapable. I hate lemons. My method for making lemonade might well be hurling the despised fruit as hard as I can against a solid object...or person, perhaps.
Lemons suck.
And there's no sugar handy.
Thinking of you. I, personally, like lemons and don't quite understand the whole crappy product comparison, but since we are going with the metaphor...
I'm thinking of you.
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