You're All Getting Calendars

As I continue my jump to light speed (or the 20th century as Ryun says), I remain simply awed by what technology has provided. Working through the tutorials in my new computer, I find that iPhoto can organize a group of photos by recognizing faces! Simply title one picture, and the program automatically selects every other photo that features the same face and put them in a folder. Really! I was stupefied when I discovered that feature. Another "gee whiz" feature is that each photo can have a map showing where the photo was taken! Huh? Whatever happened to just putting snapshots in a scrapbook with scotch tape or those little sticky corners that fell off after a year or so?
Of course, after all that amazing stuff, it's not surprising that I can create books, both hard and soft covered, calendars and greeting cards with pictures from my iPhoto album. No more taking the CD with photos to Wal-Mart in order to create such things: my computer will do it for me.
In addition, I can make comic book editions of any picture, and I can do the same to my face when I'm chatting live with someone on iLive. Crazy. This feature may be the best of all: now I can read to my grandchildren every night...though someone else will be holding them on a lap. Still, how far removed is this from a rotary dial phone connected to the wall with a live operator placing my call? It is truly the dawning of a new day for me. Too bad I actually have to go to work every day!
Look for those calendars in the mail!
For those of us who couldn't upgrade to a Mac this time around - QUIT rubbing it in. HA. Congrats on the new purchase.
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