Where the Wild Things Really Are
Yep...we're hanging on every word as adults. We're mezmerized by the action, by the threat of danger and uncertainty. There's "wailing and sobbing" out there, and 6-year-olds are supposedly hiding from the after-effects of the whole thing.
Are these the results of the opening weekend of the movie version of Where The Wild Things Are a book we've ALL read to our kids until they have it memorized? Is it the natural result of taking kids to a cash cow bonanza of a movie about a boy sent to bed without his supper who dreams of living with other "wild things"? Nah...it's real life.
Seriously, aliens have to be laughing their collective rear ends off at us these days.
We've got a guy in Colorado who perpetrates a hoax about his 6-year-old son being trapped inside a flying balloon just so he can hype a proposed reality show starring, who else, himself and his family. The premise? He wants to film "experiments" like using weather balloons (aha!) to try to attract aliens and conducting electromagnetic analysis of a terminally ill patient. Really? Records given up by a collaborator show that Richard Heene was planning some kind of hoax to gain attention for his reality show plot which had been accepted by a network that "blurs the line between entertainment and news." The aforemention child throwing up twice during interviews after being found "hiding" in the attic for five hours only adds to to head shaking that must be going on throughout the universe. How can Larry King look himself in the mirror after that interview? News? Really?
The wailing and sobbing? That's from Jon & Kate's kids who, she says, are under great stress due to the divorce and subsequent cancellation of the "Kate Plus 8" show originally planned. "They love the crew, the interaction, and they love the events," a visibly acting Kate had to say. Really? A divorce can mess kids up? Did you ever think about this before "reality" crept in? Missing the film crew? Perhaps they were the only normal people those kids saw every day.
This kind of ridiculous behavior on the part of people who probably should be prevented from having children makes the tabloids look like they're peopled with sane folks.
Wild things, indeed.
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