How To Handle Tough Times
I've always been a fan of comic strips. They didn't have to elicit guffaws...they could be serious like "Dick Tracy," "Prince Valiant," or "The Phantom," and I always saved the comic strip section of the paper for last. I still do. And "Get Fuzzy" is the last one I read...every time, especially now that the local paper doesn't carry "Overboard" anymore. Of course, times change, and even strip writers get tired and retire, usually leaving a gaping hole in my newsday. But, I adjust and move on. I had just gotten to look forward to "In the Bleachers" when it disappeared. "Bloom County seemed to go on forever, and then, one day, "poof!" it was gone...replaced by one comic that I have never been interested enough to read: "Dilbert." Maybe because the subject matter usually involves the business/corporate world from the lower management (cubicle) point of view, I just didn't get into it. I couldn't tell you who the character Dilbert is; is it the dog? Is it the guy with glasses and no eyes with hair that looks like Beetle Bailey's hat? The cat? Don't know, don't care. But this week was serendipitous.
For an unknown reason, I decided to read it last Sunday. In the strip, a character (maybe Dilbert) is talking to his mother bemoaning his fate: doing the job of three people, taking a 20% pay cut, invesments tumbling and no promising mates in sight. He claims that his life has no meaning and asks his mother for some maternal advice.
"Shake it off, you big wuss!" she responds, then ...well, you can read it.
I almost fell off the couch when I read that. What amazing advice from a mother. I was so impressed that I blew up the panel featuring his mother and posted it on my office door. Now, students will get the benefit of motherly advice.
And "Dilbert" will get another read from me on Sunday.
Read it yourself by following this URL:
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