Gotta Get Away

In another 10 days, the semester will be, for all intents and purposes, over. I have to get out of here for a variety of reasons: 1. the damn city of Green Bay refuses to plow more than 20% of the city streets, waiting, I suppose, for the July thaw to get rid of the buildup. This oversight almost cost me a hammy pull today as my bike slid out from under me while trying to navigate the latest street adventure. I know gas is cheap, but it's the point! 2. School responsibilities are seriously getting to irritate me. I'm fine with my tasks, but to constantly have to babysit 20-year-olds who could care less about school is getting ridiculous. I mean, when a kid clears his throat for 20 minutes in an attempt to get me to feel sorry for him and send him home, it's a definite sign that I have not motivated him to the extent that I'd hoped. Couple that with the fact that he skipped two meetings (one with a reading tutor) today and made it to class only when a coach went to his dorm and woke him up...well, you get the idea. 3. Add another 8 inches of snow tonight for me to shovel before work tomorrow at 8 a.m. and I'm definitely ready to get out of Green Bay. Where to go is the issue.
I think I can cross out Athens as a venue of visitation. Student rioting there has paralyzed the government and created a very tense situation. I mean, rioting students even torched the city's Christmas tree following an incident in which a 15-yr. old student was shot and killed by police. Instead, I might try Athens, Georgia, home of the University of Georgia, site of geocaching adventure and the "Screamin' Deamons, Dames of Mame" roller hockey team. Who says there's no culture in the South? For history buffs, there's the 100-mile Antebellum Trail featuring landscape that was mostly missed by General Sherman on his march to the sea. And, of course, since it's the holiday season, there's the Hip Holly Days thing going on.
I'm also not going to Australia due to new laws there that restrict beer drinking. As of this week, bars there can only serve beer in plastic containers after midnight, and they must also take 10-minute breaks so that drinkers can catch their breath. All of this regulation is an attempt to control both binge drinking and violent behavior, both of which seem to be out of control. Heck, and that's not even Wisconsin!
Canada is also out of the question since the government there is in serious disarray...not Thailand or Somalia-type disarray,but I'm still not going there until they get that whole thing figured out. It would be tough enough trying to change money, I'd suspect. Plus, the beaches would be, uh, cold.
So, it looks like Miami might be the choice...especially since I had alrady planned to go there to watch Blaine's team play some hoops in a holoday tourney. While there, though, I could tour the Everglades, learn to play dominoes from the Cuban guys, go for an airboat ride (ostensibly through the Everglades, killing two birds with one stone since nobody cares about the environment there, it seems). I might also try my hand at the racin' bidness at Richard Petty's Driving Experience. The beach is probably on the itinerary, but I've got to watch which one since Miami is no doubt home to some nekkid beaches and such. That would definitely mark the end of the trip for many tourists!
The impending end of a semester never looked so inviting.
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