Is It Wetter Under Water?
Sometimes, I just amaze myself with some of the nonsensical ideas I have. My life is really full of important issues, and this is an election year which puts a whole new spin on things. But, today, I had a recurring thought: does a person get wetter by running through the rain or by walking through the rain? I mean, if one runs, he or she can get inside out of the rain sooner and miss a good number of drops that would otherwise have struck; but if he or she walks, there are all those raindrops falling in front instead of on top though one is out in it longer. See what I mean? A real stumper.
Not that this idea came completely out of the blue: I was walking toward a school to referee a volleyball match, and it began to sprinkle, then rain a little harder. With about 200 meters to go, I was getting more damp than I cared to get so I was faced with the conundrum of how to make that last stretch without unnecessary dampening.
As I said, this is a recurring thought. I had the opportunity once to solve the riddle; I was working at WOMA in Algoma, and I had to call the green Bay weather station to find out the forecast. In an idle moment, I posed the question to George Graphos, and he actually said that this was a topic discussed in meterology school. Then he got to the local weather and proceeded NOT to answer my query before he hung up. It occurred to me that this might be some sort of mystery that ordinary folks were not supposed to know so I never asked again. Perhaps that's the kind of information given out in meteorolgy school AFTER the tuition is paid. So...I never really found out, and I want to know.
Of course, it was not enough to ask myself that question, I also had lyrics of a song about rain leap uninvited into my head which almost caused me to walk into a bike rack: "Is it wetter under water if you're there when it rains?" That, too, from my WOMA days as part of Leroy Pullins' song "I'm A Nut," featured on the Battle of the Banneds (records so bad they chould be banned).
The rest of the lyrics to that, by the way, are just like that...designed to titillate those who have absolutely nothing else to do. Here's the link if you want to hear it: (And this web site has lots of great songs and videos from pop music...check it out.
Now I will lie awake tonight pondering the solution, fully realizing that none will be forthcoming.
Oh yes, I decided to walk instead of run toward the building today because it stopped raining just as I was going to have to make a choice.
And yet, I can't let it go...maybe if I hum the theme to "Gilligan's Island" which is supposed to clear things unweanted from the mind, or at least Bee Gees lyrics.
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