Try THIS In Phoenix!

My friends Steve and Nancy just moved to Phoenix a few months ago. I got the requisite Christmas card showing them in shirt sleeves, trying hard to hide the satisfied grins on their faces. They are golfers, and I can understand that, but as Wisconsinites born and bred, they are not supposed to enjoy the desert weather quite so much. Sure, they'll say when it's 110 every day for a month that it's a dry heat. They wouldn't change it for anything. Well, I've got news for them. Life will get boring very quickly there.
Nancy mentioned that they walk a lot and play some golf, but that's really it for exercise. HA! Their upper bodies are going to get so weak from lack of stimulation, while I get to shovel snow three or four times a week to keep myself in tiptop shape. Just today, I also got to shovel out my mailbox so the mailperson would deliver instead of making me hike on snowshoes the five miles to the post office to get it (uphill both ways, of course). The brisk air which we've had lately kills any and all bacteria so I will NEVER be sick again! But the best thing is that there is no nordic skating in Phoenix.
Nordic skating amounts to strapping long blades to the bottom of one's nordic ski boots and using ski poles to navigate across ice. The length of the blades means that bumpy stretches of ice are less so because the blades travel over the top. I must admit that I'd never heard of it until today, and that I was somewhat dismayed that much of this activity centers around Vermont and New Hampshire. There are organized races, public events for all skill levels, and amyriad of nordic skating activities. However, I was delighted to discover that there was a place tight here in Green Bay which offers 2,000m of (groomed?)ice for this activity! Finding the blades will be my next move though reading stories about hardy skaters who consider it a badge of honor to fall through the ice, get out and keep going makes me a bit nervous. Still, I'll bet they can't do that in Phoenix!
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