Honestly, don't people work in this country anymore? And what passes for entertainment these days? (maybe I'm just getting senile) Granted, The Simpson's Movie is probably rather humorous...though I'll wait for it on NetFlix, but this "I Like Turtles" thing is just a perfect example of too many people with too much time on their hands. America is in trouble.
See, this 10-yr.old kid named Jonathan Ware went to the Rose Festival in Portland, Oregon, recently. It's an annual affair, and he and his family went to have some fun. He gets his face painted like something Quentin Tarantino would think up, and a TV reporter stopped to ask him a question as part of the nightly "cute" segment designed to take our minds off weightier matters like war, immigration and the Dow freefall. In response to a rather lengthy query by the reporter, young Ware responded in a deadpan, zombie-like voice, "I like turtles." That was it. This so stunned the reported that she hemmed and hawed her way through he segue back to the news. Fine, as it goes.
However, somebody saw it, recorded it to the internet and over 500,000 people have viewed this 15 seconds of video. It has spawned t-shirts, parodies (such as the one from "The Shining" hinted at in the title and something from "The O'Reilly Factor"); a company in England recently called to ask if they could use it as a cell phone ring tone. Seriously, this is crazy.
Perhaps I'm just jealous because it wasn't me...although turtles really aren't my favorite unless they're the ninja kind.
The criteria for fame has certainly declined in this country as a result of the internet where inanity rules and gets more wierd by the minute. (of course, you understand that I read about this episode and watched the video...why wasn't I working?)
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