De Do Do Do...De Dah Dah Dah

That's all I want to say to you.
Ryun and I hangin' at Wrigley.
Actually, there's more. This has been a big year for concerts, but the latest was the biggest. I recently ventured to Chicago's famed Wrigley Field to take in my first major stadium concert in a long time: The Police. While Sting is not necessarily my favorits singer, it was still a "must see" as far as I was concerned. It's not often iconic groups break up then reunite years later for a world tour. Well, I guess it's happened a LOT lately, but The Police may be the biggest name to return to the concert scene.
Ryun scored the tickets, and we scurried to the at the Addison St. elevated stop with a crush of other people and into the stadium. I had to resist the urge to stop for buck beers hawked by nearby saloons as well as the urge to sell my tickets to those unfortunates who didn't have such a cool son and were unable to get tickets to the sold-out event. We moved warily through the maze of folks and found that our seats were along the first base line, five rows up and on the aisle!(serious finger-breaking foul ball territory) People who paid twice what we did were a mere fifty feet away on the infield, and due to our slightly elevated seats, we could see better than they could.
The warm-up band began about 7 and played for half an hour; then, the interminable wait for the main event began. By 8:15 I felt like shouting, "We want the show," like the folks in the Blues Brothers movie. Even the first third of the concert was merely OK; but the last 90 minutes or so were rockin', and the crowd was really into it. By the time "Roxanne" blared forth from the massive speakers, we were all on our feet singing and clapping.
After a bit more than two hours and two curtain calls, Sting said goodnight, and we headed for the el with about 25,000 other people. We were held up for awile because the platform was full, and when we finally boarded the train, we were jammed in much more closely than I would have liked. (I may have been assaulted, but I couldn't turn around to see the perp so I let it go!)
All in all, a good time and a summer highlight...well worth sacrificing the opportunity to see Bon Jovi at Summerfest that night!
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