195 And Counting Down

PLEO is coming, and if you don't get one, you'll be the doofus of the neighborhood. You children and/or grandchildren will know for certain how hopeless you are, and your significant other will probably leave you for somebody 'way cooler...somebody who has PLEO. Remember how everybody who got a Furby a few years ago was so awesome while you were still a dork? Same principle applies here; the fact that PLEO was genetically engineered (?) by the same folks who gave us Furby means that you are on the cusp of cool because you're finding out about this literally minutes before the rest of the world. You still have a bit of time, though, becasue PLEO is designed for a release in time for Christmas...hence, the 195 days.
PLEO is a scaled-down version (thankfully) of some kind of dinosaur-type creature. Cuddly? maybe, but ever so much more. Caleb Chung, one of the co-creators, has made this creature almost lifelike. While the Furby had one motor and one processor to allow it to function, PLEO has 14 motors and 6 processors. It boasts a nose-mounted camera and 30 sensors which allow it to pick up stimuli like noise, touch and movement. Supposedly, it will take more than a year for its "personality" to fully develop which might put it ahead of some people I know.
While obviously not for everyone, techno-geeks will be trading in their light sabers to get this thing. At $300, it's a lot more expensive than the Furby ($40), but far less expensive than Sony's Aibo dog ($2,000). Young, professional geeks, uh, professionals, with disposable income have swelled their ranks from 5 million to almost 20 million in the last ten years, and they will want this. Just to be cool. I would suspect that the Nieman-Marcus Christmas catalog will have it as well as hip, upscale places like Sharper Image. If you don't beat the rush, you're doomed to be a doofus. Don't whine that you didn't get enough warning. You have 195 days left before you'll have to admit that you didn't get one.
Don't like shopping? Send me the $300, and I'll see what I can do.
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